PicoCoffee™ is an unattended coffee solution that delivers a seamless self-service experience through cashless transactions and optional scan-and-go capabilities. With its compact design and intuitive UI, operators can provide high-quality coffee plus other products like grab-and-go snacks & beverages via easy cashless payment, enhancing consumer satisfaction and convenience. 

office coffee

Have questions about PicoCoffee™? This FAQ provides an overview of the cutting-edge coffee solution designed for businesses looking to improve customer experiences & operational efficiency and boost revenue. Read on to find answers to common questions about PicoCoffee™ and its capabilities.

Why is PicoCoffee™ unique and first to market? 

PicoCoffee™ goes beyond a basic payment terminal, allowing for full micro market “Scan & Pay” functionality, allowing users to purchase coffee and scan snacks and other items in a single transaction. 

What is the difference between PicoCoffee™ & PicoCoffee+ ?
PicoCoffee™ supports coffee vending only.
PicoCoffee+ supports coffee vending and “Scan & Pay” market items with a barcode. 

What types of products can be sold with this technology?
PicoCoffee™: Automatic table-top vended coffee
PicoCoffee+: Automatic table-top vended coffee + prepackaged, shelf stable foods, such as those found in our vending machines and micro markets 

Can customers vend more than one coffee at a time with PicoCoffee™?
No. PicoCoffee™ only allows for one coffee per transaction.  

What happens if there is an error on the coffee machine after a customer has paid on PicoCoffee™?
PicoCoffee™ will immediately refund the transaction if there is an error on the coffee machine that caused the coffee not to dispense. 

Do customers order their coffee on the PicoCoffee™ UI or on the Coffee Machine?
Users will select their coffee on the coffee machine, finalizing the transaction on PicoCoffee™ before the machine will vend the coffee. 

Can I see coffee transactions in a single back end with market items?
Yes. Operators can see coffee transactions alongside scan & pay market items sold, tracking revenue and volumes sold at a location using 365 back-end management system called ADM. 

How do I manage PicoCoffee™?
Using 365’s back-end management system “ADM”. All your products and sales are in one overview. 

Can I see coffee machine specific data such as milk level and bean volumes?
No. PicoCoffee™ will not provide specific OEM coffee machine back-end data/telemetry.  

Can I use 365Pay on PicoCoffee™?
Yes. PicoCoffee™ is fully integrated into 365 Retail Markets Connected Campus solution, including stored value accounts. 

How do I enable PicoCoffee™ for full market “Scan & Pay” functionality after my purchase?
Contact 365 support for this request via link, your unit will then be updated to full PicoCoffee+ functionality.

Does PicoCoffee™ work with all automatic coffee machines?
PicoCoffee™ is designed to work with all MDB enabled automatic coffee machines.
The automatic coffee machine must support at least MDB version 4.2, communicating with level 3, supporting the “b5/always idle session”function. 

Does PicoCoffee™ need to be mounted onto the coffee machine?
No. PicoCoffee™ comes ready to mount on a custom build stand that requires no custom mounting 

Does PicoCoffee™ require complicated setup?
No. PicoCoffee™ will come ready to plug & play, operators can self-provision. 

PicoCoffee™ is more than just a coffee solution; it’s a gateway to business growth and enhanced customer satisfaction. To explore the exciting opportunities PicoCoffee™ can bring to your business or to learn more about its features, contact our team using the form below. Together, we can transform coffee experiences and elevate your business to new heights

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