Stockwell 2.0 – Smart Stores for Maximum Convenience

2023-08-03T12:36:05-04:00August 3rd, 2023|

Have you heard of Smart Stores? The idea is this: provide an environment where customers can grab products and go - without the need to scan products or deal with lengthy checkout lines. Smart stores are starting to show up more and more in our everyday lives. From full brick and mortar retail locations [...]

Caso de Negocio Para Transición de Vending a Micro Markets

2023-07-31T15:54:45-04:00July 31st, 2023|

Tanto para ganar clientes nuevos, como para extraer más valor de existentes, hay valor tangible en agregar micro markets a la oferta de servicios de su empresa. Relación con Clientes Prospección de Nuevos Clientes Los micro markets son una propuesta llamativa, muy valorada en esta nueva era de total [...]

Who Is Custom Data Solutions?

2023-07-26T19:15:32-04:00July 26th, 2023|

In September 2022, 365 Retail Markets announced a new partnership with Custom Data Solutions, Inc. (CDSI), which is the country’s leading data collection, processing, and reporting company. At the center of the partnership is the goal to provide value and insight to manufacturers. Whether it be through optimizing product mixes or better understanding consumer [...]

3 Tips for a More Efficient Warehouse

2023-07-25T15:04:53-04:00July 25th, 2023|

In this episode of Minute with Marler, learn three essential tips for running a more efficient warehouse, including how to organize your pick line, balancing your load for pre-kitting efficiency, and utilizing target timers for improved performance. Tip 1: Labeling the Front of the Lights Imagine the scenario where a wrong product is placed [...]

MM6 Mini for Markets: A Versatile Checkout Solution

2023-07-12T17:00:16-04:00July 12th, 2023|

Say hello to the MM6 Mini for Markets from 365. The MM6 Mini is a powerful, compact, self-checkout kiosk solution that offers a premium experience at an attractive price. Ideal for midsize micro market accounts, MM6 Mini is an adaptable kiosk featuring excellent durability, security, and performance for a strong ROI. Let’s take a [...]

MM6 Mini: Enhance Your Customer Experience with a Versatile Micro Market Kiosk

2023-07-10T15:19:20-04:00July 10th, 2023|

As convenience and exceptional customer experiences become increasingly important, businesses are always on the lookout for innovative solutions to meet and exceed customer expectations. Enter MM6 Mini, the versatile micro market kiosk that takes customer service to new heights. With its adaptability, durability, and advanced features, MM6 Mini offers a self-checkout experience like no [...]

365 Retail Markets Launches MM6 Mini Self-Service Kiosk for Dining and Micro Market Industry Applications

2023-07-06T14:04:32-04:00July 6th, 2023|

Self-service solution optimizes location layout without compromising consumer experience July 5, 2023- 365 Retail Markets, the global leader in unattended retail technology, today announced a new versatile kiosk, the MM6 Mini, that balances flexibility and consumer experience with any dining cafeteria or micro market location. The MM6 Mini is a compact [...]

Streamline Your Warehouse Operations with FastTrack V.2

2023-06-14T14:39:20-04:00June 14th, 2023|

In today's fast-paced business landscape, efficiency and cost-effectiveness are key factors in staying ahead of the competition. When it comes to warehouse operations, maximizing productivity while combating labor shortages can be a significant challenge. That's where FastTrack V.2, the ultimate pick-to-light system, steps in to revolutionize your order fulfillment process. Let's explore how FastTrack [...]

Minute with Marler: Prekitting Beverages

2023-06-12T16:12:35-04:00June 12th, 2023|

In this episode of A Minute with Marler, David Marler visits the bustling warehouse of Seventh Wave Refreshments to focus on an exciting trend that has gained tremendous momentum in the beverage industry: prekitting beverages. David, with his wealth of knowledge, provides an answer to a frequently asked question: Are picking with lights significantly [...]

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